My name is Sarah, and I have really enjoyed being a part of Mommy Connections, first as an attendee when my daughter was four months old and now as a program facilitator. I was asked to share one of my favourite resources for moms in Toronto, I immediately thought of the Toronto Public Library.
If it has been a while since you visited a library, let me give you a few good reasons. First of all, getting out anywhere for a new momma is a gift and finding a child-friendly atmosphere is worth its weight in gold! Secondly, it gives you a great a sense of community and is full activities. As well, exposing your wee one to early literacy is so valuable to his or her development. It is also a great place to “test drive” books and find out what your child likes before buying.
Let me confide in you that I am a bit of a germ-a-phobe. I don't know where those borrowed books have been. If you feel the same, I suggest taking the time to wipe the books down with a damp cloth with dish soap on it and then dry them off. If you are lower-maintenance and think it is good for kids to build up their immune system, more power to ya, let your munchkin munch away!
New moms will want to check out the Ready for Reading Baby Time program, which features songs and stories for babies and their parents or caregivers for children up to 18 months.
Visit the Toronto Public Library website, for more information. Enjoy!