Add these items to your back-to-school shopping list
Items that feature the PTPA seal of approval have been selected as winners by a knowledgeable and unbiased panel of parent testers, the largest of its kind in North America. Products that earn the seal are chosen for their value, functionality, quality and appeal.
Hilroy Tattoo Backpack Available for $25 at
![]() Native Kids Shoes With four cool styles, this colourful footwear is perfect for the first day of school. Made from a durable, lightweight material, Native shoes are waterproof and odor-resistant. Bonus: no laces required! Available for $35-40 at
Crayola Crayon Maker Available for $33 at Walmart, Toys R Us Perlimpinpin Eco-Friendly Bibs Available for $20
Kodak ESP C310 All-in-One Printer A sleek, compact printer that can do it all! Connects to your wireless network and prints high-quality photos. Plus, Kodak ink is more affordable than many other replacement ink cartridges. Available for $100 at, Eric Carle Eco-Friendly Art Pads Available for $2-5 at,
The Entrepreneurial Mom’s Guide to Running Your Own Business Available for $24 at