It's W's birthday party day today, and he requested worms in Oreo dirt – an oldie but a goodie, and something he has never asked for before. Since the party is at a trampoline park, we decided to pick up shot glasses at the dollar store and make individual worms in dirt, rather than worry about serving it up and packing up the dirty dishes to bring home.

Fortunately, worms in dirt isn't all bad – it's simple to make your own chocolate pudding “mud” (the boxed stuff is really just sugar, cocoa and cornstarch), and either boxed chocolate wafer crumbs or bashed-up Oreos make the “dirt”. Pick up a bag of gummy worms, and you're done. W assembled these himself – it's nice to get kids involved in their own party planning, and give them something to do in the exiting hours leading up to the big soiree.

To make one big worms-in-dirt, simply spread the pudding into any shallow serving dish (you may need to double the recipe), or transform a chocolate cake by sprinkling the cookie crumbs and worms on top. To make these ultra-realistic, you could pick up small inexpensive plant pots – put a circle of parchment in the bottom if there's a drainage hole.

Worms in Dirt

1/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp cornstarch
3 tbsp cocoa
pinch salt
2 cups milk
1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional) 

Oreo cookies, crushed in a zip-lock bag

gummy worms

In a medium saucepan, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, cocoa and salt to get rid of any lumps. Place over medium-high heat and whisk in the milk. Cook, whisking often, until the mixture boils and thickens – let it bubble for at least a minute to let it reach its full thickening potential.

Remove from the heat and add the chocolate chips; let sit for a minute or two, then whisk until smooth. Pour into bowls and let cool in the refrigerator. Top with crushed Oreos and a gummy worm.

Makes 6 larger or 10 small servings of worms in dirt.