Super-Quick Muffin Tin Meals by Melanie LaDue (Race Point Publishing)

Have you ever felt like mornings would be just a bit easier if the kids could eat breakfast in the car on the way to school? Well now they can with Super-Quick Muffin Tin Meals, a new way for your family to eat their favourite foods without the calories – or the hassle. 

With 70 healthy and delicious recipes, author Melanie LaDue, the mind behind the popular blog Reasons to Skip Housework, offers beginner chefs and experts alike a new way to cook. Puffy Pancakes, Veggie Pizza Bites, Lasagna Cups and S’mores Pockets are just a few of the easy-to-make, one-dish meals included. 

Kiddos will love helping in the kitchen and eating the fruits of their labour – cupcakes for dinner! Available where cookbooks are sold, $26.

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, November/ December 2015.