The View alum Debbie Matenopoulos recently chatted with Celebrity Baby Scoop about impending motherhood, her new husband and cookbook. Debbie shared, “I am so excited about the baby. I feel so fortunate that the universe has blessed us with this unexpected surprise. I am feeling great…now. However, for the first 3 1/2 months, I wasn’t feeling so hot. I was really tired and nauseous all day. It should be called ‘all day sickness’ instead of ‘morning sickness.’ “ When asked what she’s most excited about, she said, “I am excited about every aspect of motherhood. It’s all new to me and I’m really looking forward to it. I am focusing on having this baby first and who knows what the future holds, but god willing, I’d like to give this baby a sibling at some point as well. As far as preparing for motherhood, I have been taking lots of advice from my friends who are already mothers and I have been reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. It’s the greatest book ever — so helpful. I have always wanted children and I feel like right now is the perfect time.” On meeting her husband, Debbie said, “I met my hubby through friends a little over 2 years ago. I was going through a very tough time in my life and was definitely not looking for love. I had just lost my father to a horribly debilitating disease, ALS, and had not been out with friends in 5 months. My girlfriends dragged me to a Labor Day party and that’s where we met. I thought he was incredibly charming and handsome.”

You can find Debbie next on the show Home & Family< on The Hallmark Channel. She says, “I cover everything fashion, and I also do makeovers every Monday on deserving women and men that often have very compelling stories.” Her new cookbook, It’s All Greek to Me was also recently released. Debbie shares, “The recipes in this book are absolutely delicious, satiating and incredibly good for you.”