I recently had to undergo this familiar question as my maternity leave was coming to an end.

I desperately needed a getaway out of the country and after reading many blogs about traveling with a baby, I read many mixed reviews. They mainly pointed out that the parents were being greedy since you're putting your baby through torture and that he is too young for travel, especially since he is not even potty trained. Worse yet, you'd be on a plane full of angry passengers thanks to your uncontrollable, screaming baby.

As these negative remarks piled up, my trip planning was almost torn apart until one of my good mommy friends gave me the motivation I needed after she travelled to Italy with her less than one-year-old boy.

Now, as I'm writing this, I'm coming back refreshed, tanned, and HAPPY. Let me share you some of my tips on traveling with my relatively, easy-to-tote*, 9-month-old travel companion. (*My son was as portable as my suitcase except he slept a lot and required an emergency bathroom pit stop!)

The baby travel planning process can be overwhelming. You can either over prepare and bring too much with you or you under prepare, leading to lots of funny stories – that you will laugh about in hindsight.

Flying with your baby

When an airline sees you with a stroller, you almost always get first priority in checking in. On our Sunwing airline, we were bumped into the Elite Plus line, which made our transition easier.

When getting through airport security, be prepared to remove your baby from whatever you are transporting him or her – whether it's a carrier or stroller – and carry your baby through the detectors with you.

Key tip: Check the latest updates/rules from Canadian Air Transport Security Authority which changes from time to time.

Keeping your baby comfortable

Give your baby the pacifier or bottle during takeoff and landing to avoid their ears from popping.

If you are nursing, you’ll want to nurse going up and nurse coming down. DON’T start until the plane is actually on the runway and about to take off, otherwise you will finish too soon.

Keeping your baby entertained

Kids are creative and everything can become a toy. Give your baby anything you pick up along the way, such as straws, cups or masking tape, or buy cheap items and switch them with your child throughout the trip to keep them entertained.

What to pack

Use as many disposable items as possible. It’s hard to wash dishes or bottles, while traveling. You’ll be surprised at how many travel products there are to make your traveling life easier.

Don’t forget snacks and entertainment items, as mentioned above, your diaper bag essentials and feeding necessities.

Key tip: Keep it simple and bring only the necessities. Pack enough for the trip, plus an extra two days worth. This includes diapers.

Arriving at your destination

Relax & enjoy every moment of your first family vacation!