In our constantly connected world, the Global Day of Unplugging offers a much-needed reminder to take a break from screens and embrace meaningful, offline connection. Join in at sundown on March 7, 2025, for a 24-hour celebration of mindfulness and real-world interactions.

There’s no way around it: The vast majority of us are tethered to an electronic device for most, if not all, hours of the day. Whether it’s work emails, social media, online shopping, texting with friends…the digital world is always at our fingertips. And that’s not all bad. Technological advancements makes so many things easier, from allowing us to work remotely to staying in touch with friends and family.

But there comes a point where this digital tethering starts to infringe on our experiences as humans. It impedes our ability to be in the moment (how many times have you seen people with their faces in their phones during a concert or movie, in front of a spectacular sunset or while their kids take to the pool or ice or stage?). That’s why the Global Day of Unplugging was created. To give us a reminder and an excuse to put down any and all electronic devices and engage in meaningful, analog activities.

Writer Ann Lamott once said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes—including you.” Read on to learn more about how.

The History of the Global Day of Unplugging

The Global Day of Unplugging was launched by the Rebooting Project in 2010, and since then, it has evolved into a collective with an overarching mandate to slow down in an increasingly hectic world. It was originally launched in the United States, but the day has gained more and more international recognition over the years.

The event takes place annually from sundown on a Friday to sundown on a Saturday (in 2025, it takes place from March 7 to March 8), allowing participants to fully disconnect for a 24-hour period. It was inspired by the Jewish tradition of carving out a day a week to unwind, relax, unplug and reflect. The event encourages people to reduce their screen time and focus on real-world interactions.

What Does the Global Day of Unplugging Mean?

The Global Day of Unplugging is not just about turning off devices. It’s a call to be present in whatever manner you choose. This initiative is a reminder of the value of face-to-face communication, of venturing into nature, of fostering passions and of the creativity that comes from taking a break from the virtual world. The day is all about balance, mindfulness and remembering what truly matters (spoiler alert: It isn’t your phone).

The day also highlights the importance of a technology detox, which can improve mental health, reduce stress and make you feel more connected. (You read that right. You’re disconnecting to reconnect.) By unplugging, people can recalibrate their focus and enhance their relationships—both with themselves and with others.

How Can You Unplug with Kids?

Your kids may push back a little when Bluey takes a vacation for the day, or when Roblox has to wait until tomorrow, but they’ll get over it quickly when they realize that you’re going to do something fun together. You know what they say: Little eyes and ears are always watching and listening, so if you role model your excitement over an unplugged day together, your brood with likely respond in kind.

Not sure what you should do together? Here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Have a picnic. It’s tough to have a picnic outdoors in Canada in March, but it’s not impossible. If your municipality offers rentable fire pits, do a wienie roast with s’mores for dessert. And if it’s too cold or you don’t have the resources, make a fort in your living room and having a picnic indoors.
  2. Take to the outdoors. You might have to convince yourself to get all your gear on, but trust us—the fresh air will work wonders for your mood (and your sleep!). Hit a nature trail or lace up your skates for a few laps around an outdoor skating rink.
  3. Have a board game tourney. Pull out your family’s favourite boardgames and create a round robin-style tournament. Make sure there are great treats and prizes!
  4. Get crafting. Work together on a DIY project, like creating a family scrapbook, painting a mural in your home or tye-dyeing T-shirts.
  5. Make a special meal. In advance of the day, pick a cookbook and let everyone in the family choose a recipe (you may have to assign everyone a course so you don’t get seven desserts). Then, spend the day cooking an epic meal together.
  6. Have a marathon read-a-thon. If you belong to a family of readers, this is the one for you. Either choose one book to read together as a family—everyone can take turns reading a chapter aloud—or read silently together in one space and take breaks to update one another on your books.
  7. Do a puzzle. But not just any puzzle. Pick one that everyone can work on together over the course of the day (or perhaps the weekend). Look for one with an age range that encompasses everyone in your family. Play music, share memories and make great snacks as you puzzle it out.
  8. Volunteer as a family. Spend the day giving back to your community. Do an impromptu park cleanup, pitch in at a food bank or even just ask your neighbours if they need any assistance.

The Global Day of Unplugging is a powerful opportunity to slow down, bond with loved ones and embrace the joy of being fully present in the moment. How will you take part this year?