If you’re expecting a new addition (or if you’ve just welcomed one!), this magazine has your name on it. Chick-full of tips, tricks and advice for pregnancy and the early months of parenthood, it’s a must-read for all new moms and dads. Enjoy!
There’s a variety of ways to read the content from our annual magazine.
3 min read
From who’s taking parental leave to how you plan on handling household chores once you’re a family of three, there’s plenty to discuss before adding to your family. Read on for five of the most important (and common) conversations to have with your partner when you find out you’re expecting....
4 min read
4 min read
Choline and Brain Development The first 1000 days of your child's life are a crucial period for brain development. From conception to the age of two to three years, their little brains are growing and forming the foundation for future cognitive abilities. Supporting their brain health during this critical time...
3 min read
If there’s one thing you’ll find when you become a parent, it’s that advice comes fast and furious pretty much the second your baby’s out of the womb. The thing is, depending on the source, the “help” you receive may be, well, passé. Spoiler alert: Older relatives don’t always have...
3 min read
Parental leave has been around for more than 50 years but honestly, it’s not the easiest concept to grasp. That’s why we asked Allison Vendetti, an HR expert and founder of Moms at Work, to explain how it works. Tip: Know your rights before you go on leave. ParentsCanada: Why...
4 min read
From how much coffee you’re allowed to drink to what you can order at your favourite sushi restaurant, we’ve got the answers you need. There are many joyful parts of pregnancy, but being on the receiving end of every old wives’ tale is not one of them. With all of...
2 min read
You probably know about morning sickness and swollen ankles—these are your garden-variety pregnancy ailments—but there are other symptoms no one seems to talk about. We’re breaking the taboo and rounding up some of more obscure pregnancy symptoms to help new mamas know they aren’t alone. Weird Things to Expect During...
3 min read
We know what’s on your mind but give those googling thumbs a break. We took the liberty of providing you with the answers you’re looking for to some of the most commonly asked pregnancy questions. Spoiler alert: There are two poop questions and one about sex. You’re welcome. “Do I...
Top must have items to add to your baby registry
2 min read
Introducing Float, the foldable high chair from Munchkin. Are you in search of a high chair that perfectly combines style and functionality? Look no further, because Float is here to revolutionize mealtime with your little one. This lightweight wonder not only boasts a sleek, contemporary design but also excels in...
5 min read
Yay! The baby’s here! What a miracle. But post-birth recovery…it’s not exactly a picnic. After you’ve given birth, you will experience myriad mental and physical changes, from bleeding to mood swings. So how do you know which changes are normal and which ones warrant a call to the doc? Read...
1 min read
It’s go time! You’ve survived morning sickness, aversions to your once-favourite foods and many (many) nights of uncomfortable sleep. The good news? The main event could be any day now…this is it! So, get your bag ready—with enough items for a two- to three-night stay—for both you and your wee...
It’s a no-brainer—your baby’s brain is the key to who your little one will become. But what does it take for the human brain to develop properly?
2 min read
5 min read
Most first-time parents expect breastfeeding to come naturally, but for some families, it’s anything but. Read on to learn more about what to consider when introducing formula, including smart tips from our friends at Niuriss. Most expectant parents in Canada plan to breastfeed their newborns. In fact, according to data...
5 min read
We all know one set of parents who claim they had “easy sleepers”—babies who’d be put to bed in their cribs, then sweetly close their eyes and quietly drift off into slumber. But here’s the truth—these tots (if they even exist) are few and far between. Those of us who’ve...
4 min read
There’s nothing worse than not getting enough sleep, and it’s pretty much a given in your baby’s first year. But all is not lost—there are things you can do to ease the toll of sleep deprivation as your little one learns just how glorious sleep can be (they’ll learn eventually,...
3 min read
Relieving baby’s teething: understanding it and coping with it A trying time for parents, teething generally accompanied with fussiness is not only uncomfortable but may also be painful. However, there are various solutions to help parents deal with this stage and make it a less painful process for their infant....
Eggs are versatile, quick and easy to prepare, on top of being full of nutritional benefits. Read on for more about this mealtime superhero.
3 min read
Work-life balance has become quite the catchphrase, especially among working parents. But is it achievable? Can we leave work stress at the office and be more present with our families? It’s a nice thought, we know. The thing is, it’s easier said than done. We all love to follow rules...
4 min read
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